Grey ended up with a new bottom tooth on Christmas, so that totals two. It seems one is in a little crooked, so we are taking donations for the braces fund. Only $19,999 more to save! He is now crawling and getting faster by the day -- and as I type this, I'm watching him try to stand up in the crib, so I guess I'll need to put pillows beside the crib sometime today. He's a little monkey -- even as cute as one.
Molly is doing remarkably well in school. Her reading is astounding, and it's been so much fun to watch her learn. I can't believe that this is the year for Kindergarten. I don't really know how to feel about it...there's a big, bad world out there, full of fourth- and fifth-graders! I know she'll do just fine, but it's me I worry about. I guess, like with everything else, we'll make it through, and I'll pull some bravery from my courageous little girl. :)
Aaron is LOVING his job still and they still love him. He is very talented and he keeps wowing his boss. His work is all over Atlanta and it's fun to drive around town and see the things he's worked on.
Here are some pictures until you make it here to see us yourselves. :) I hope everyone is in good health and happy spirits.